Write a Paragraph on The Game I Like Most



Write a Paragraph on The Game I Like Most

Short Paragraph:

There is various kind of available in this modern world. Football is one of them. My Favorite game is football. The football game is an outdoor game. I like football games among outdoor games. It is the most popular game. In almost every school and village there is a football team. It has come to this country from England and nowadays is played all over the world. It is played on a large field 110to 120 yards long and 70 to 80 yards wide. There are two posts at each of the opposite ends of the field. They are eight yards apart and have a bar on them. The bar is put eight feet above the ground. The game is played between two teams of eleven players on each side. There is one goalkeeper, two hacks, three halfbacks, and five forwards on each side. A ball is placed at the center of the field. No player on either side except the two goalkeepers can touch the ball with their bands. The referee who guides the game blows a whistle and the play begins. The whole game is divided into two equal parts, with 10 to 15 minutes between them. The sides are changed after the interval. Both sides try their best to defeat the other. It is a good form of exercise for us to be prompt, careful. It makes us strong, hard, and cheerful. It has also a great risk, sometimes our legs or other parts of the body may be fractured at this game. So, We should play it carefully. It is very important

Long Paragraph:

There is various kind of available in this modern world. Football is one of them. I enjoy many games like- Cricket, Basketball, Volleyball. Among them, I like football most. Football is my favorite game. The football game is an outdoor game. I like football games among outdoor games. It is the most popular game. In almost every school and village there is a football team. It has come to this country from England and nowadays is played all over the world. It is played on a large field 110 to 120 yards long and 70 to 80 yards wide. There are two posts at each of the opposite ends of the field. They are eight yards apart and have a bar on them. The bar is put eight feet above the ground. The game is played between two teams of eleven players on each side. There is one goalkeeper, two hacks, three halfbacks, and five forwards on each side. A ball is placed at the center of the field. No player on either side except the two goalkeepers can touch the ball with their bands. The referee who guides the game blows a whistle and the play begins. The whole game is divided into two equal parts, with 10 to 15 minutes between them. The sides are changed after the interval. Both sides try their best to defeat the other. The game is played according to some rules. Every player must abide by those rules. The decision of the referee is final in all the matters on the field. If anyone breaks the rules of the match, he /she will get a yellow/red card. Of course, there can be a protest against the referee’s decision to the game committee after the game is over. But they must be maintained in the decision of the referee. It is a good form of exercise for us to be prompt, careful. It makes us strong, hard, and cheerful. It has also a great risk, sometimes our legs or other parts of the body may be fractured at this game. So, We should play it carefully. It is very important.


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