Write an application to the headmaster seeking financial assistance from the school’s poor fund.

Write an application to the headmaster seeking financial assistance from the school’s poor fund.

31 January 2022

The Headmaster

Barisal Cadet College,


Subject: Prayer for seeking financial assistance from the school’s poor funds.


With due respect, I am a regular student of class ten in your school. I have been studying in this school since the sixth standard. My younger brother and sister are studying in this school in classes seven and eight respectively. My father is a poor farmer. It has become difficult to meet our family expenses with our father’s income. In such a situation, it will not be possible for me and my younger siblings to continue their education without one-time financial assistance from the poor fund of that school.

So, under the above circumstances, we hope that you would be kind enough to seek financial assistance from the school’s poor funds and oblige thereby.

Yours most faithfully,


Class: 10, Roll No: 02


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