Meaning of dreaming – Spiritual meaning of dream catchers

 Why do people dream? Meaning of dreaming

‘Dream’ is a mental state of man where he experiences various imaginary events in his sleep and subconscious state. Most of the time the dreamer considers himself a participant while dreaming of those imaginary events that seem to be true. Some of the old memories of scattered life often come together and take on some unusual shape through dreams.

The English name for dream science is Oneirology which involves many philosophies, stories, and sciences. It is also said about dreams that irregular and unhealthy food or stomach problems can also increase the level of dreams people.

What is a dream?

Dreams basically come to the stage of sleep when the eyeballs move rapidly and seem to be an instinct of awakening and in that state, a kind of relaxation is also seen in the body. People dream at different stages of sleep which in most cases become vague and less memorable as time goes on. The length of a dream varies. These can sometimes last for a few seconds and in many cases for about twenty to thirty minutes.

It is known that a person can remember a dream when he is awake at the stage of REM or Random eye movement. On average, a person has three to five dreams per night, but most of the dreams spread immediately or quickly. As the night progresses the dreams become more lasting. Various data show that dreams related to waking life experiences occur during sleep processing and memory processing. Children spend about half of their sleep, dreaming, whereas adults spend less than one-fifth.

Meaning of dreaming

Dreams are a combination of some subtle emotions that come to mind during sleep in the form of images. It is difficult to classify them separately. Different philosophers have held different views on dreams over time, of which Freudian theory is the most important and popular. In support of this theory, many have argued that dreams are the manifestation of man’s inherent secret desires and the manifestation of all emotions. Other evidence suggests that dreams help build memory, solve problems, and activate the brain.

History of Dreams

Dream records found in Mesopotamia about five thousand years ago were recorded on tablets made of clay. The Babylonians and Assyrians divided dreams into good and evil: where the word “good” was sent by the gods; ‘Evil’ was a group of dreams sent by ghosts. The Romans and Greeks later believed that dreams were direct messages or prophecies from multiple gods.

In ancient Egypt, the Egyptians recorded the dreams in papyrus around 2000 BC. They thought that dreaming was the best way to get closer to God.

The Greek philosopher Aristotle believed that dreams were a form of physical activity.

In Judaism, dreams were interpreted as part of the world experience.

The monotheistic Hebrews thought that dreams were the only sound received from God.

According to Christians, dreams are a very real character. In Hinduism, ‘Mankundya Upanishad’ mentions three states of dreams, one of which is the soul and the other two are the waking state and sleeping state.

Variety of Dreams

There are a variety of dreams; Such as horrible, exciting, painful, adventurous, magical, or sexual. The dreamer is the one who shoots the events of the dream out of his control.

Different Types of Dreams

Day Dreaming

Fantasy, happiness, or ambitious expectations seen in the waking state have been termed daydreams. On the other hand, many people think that people dream daydreams only when the mind becomes relatively empty as a result of petty thoughts, future thoughts, and memories. In many cases, lazy daydreaming or ‘ daydreaming’ has been helpful in some cases, especially in the case of scientists, researchers, mathematicians, and constructive and creative work.


Meanwhile, it is described as a feeling of a conscious and awake state in which real-world qualities exist.


It is a kind of unpleasant dream which is often caused by frustration, anxiety, and anxiety. It causes a negative reaction in the human mind.

Night terror

It is mainly a sleep disorder or parasomnia disorder that is more common in children. Because of this, a kind of fear can be noticed in their minds which may be due to some panic or horrible feeling. According to dream science, every dream carries some meaning or the other. Dreams are a sign of what is going to happen in the future. Some dreams are good, and some are bad.

Dream subdivision |

Meaning of Dreams | What happens when people dream

Someone is chasing – it means there is something in a person’s life that he wants to avoid but can’t do.

Sudden fall from a high place: People often get anxious about this dream. This dream is often seen by people when things like work, money, or relationship are out of reach.

Nudity – Many people see themselves naked in their dreams which means they are suffering from insecurity. Psychologists say that seeing nudity in a dream means that the dreamer wants to live independently.

Failing the exam – Many people often have such dreams in student life. This means he is worried about the test. But if someone dreams like this even after passing school or college, then it must be understood that he is not confident in his job.

Dreaming of waking up, but asleep – if you are in a hurry to get up in the morning and have a big job, this dream comes to many people that day.

Snake bites mean that people are worried about something.

Flying – This type of dream is called ‘Lucid Dreams’. This dream comes as a result of being very happy and excited.

Can’t run – Many people dream that they can’t run even if they try at the right speed. Human life is very fast so everyone becomes anxious about work deadlines and as a result such dreams.

Seeing a dead person – Psychologists say that seeing a dead person in a dream means that there are some negative people in the dreamer’s life or he may associate with a person with whom the dead person has similarities.

The dream of murder – the dreamer who is killing or witnessing a murder – in this dream means the accumulated deadly anger towards someone.

In conclusion, it is safe to say that the effects of dreaming have not yet been fully documented, but it can be assumed that dreams are simply the result of a biochemical process that occurs during sleep that is presented to us in a variety of ways. In the words of Oscar Wilde.,

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